1. Place 1 whole packet / tin of seeds into ½ cup of water for a few minutes so that every seed is wet.
2. Put the insert into the tray with the lip underneath so that the insert is raised
up. Put one mat over this with the white side facing down, and tuck each end down into the tray on either end.
3. Pour 2.5 cups of water over the mat so that the mat is soaked entirely. From now on the 2 ends that are tucked down into the tray will wick the water up, meaning you do not have to water again. Yay! So Easy!
Please note the water in the tray will turn brown from the hemp mat.
4. Pour the seeds and the 1/2 cup of water onto the mat. Spread the seeds out as evenly as possible so ideally they are not on top of one another.
5. Cover the tray with the felt lid. The black out lid helps to strengthen the microgreens and make them taste better!
6. Leave the lid on for 3 days. After 3 days, remove the lid and you will notice little yellow shoots are starting to appear. You will also notice white hairs around the roots. This is totally normal and is not mold! They are root hairs. Leave the lid off now and make sure your crop gets plenty of natural or artificial light and air circulation. The optimal temperature is between 65 - 75 F.
6. Harvest after 7 – 10 days from the start of sewing the seeds. You will know they are ready when they are green and 2 - 3 inches tall. Harvest by cutting stems with scissors, 1/4 inch above the mat.
7. Rinse and Repeat! Wash out the tray and insert thoroughly by hand and allow to air dry. Then start again with your next crop of Microgreens. Try making fun
shapes with different seeds.
If not using the stems straight away, then the best way to preserve their life is to cut them and place them in a ziplock bag with a dry paper towel inside. They will last up to 6 days in the refrigerator.
Our hemp mats are 100% biodegradable and compostable. It is best to start with a new mat for each crop to eliminate any bacteria building in the mat.
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